Friday, April 23, 2010

We gon' sip bacardi coz it's ma birfday! (well not exactly but equally as delightful as sipping bacardi or any alcoholic beverage)

Since it's my birthday today and I'm feeling a bit generous, I am giving away FREE (uh huh, you read it right) WALLPAPERS! I was born to accessorize your computer screens...

So Pimp yo desktop and keep it fresh.

Monday, April 19, 2010

judging a book by it's cover art...

I usually do it when I browse in book sale, if something catches my eye and it's right on the budget then I buy it. This project is kinda like a homage to it, my social service to the book cover enthusiasts. I originally made these book cover art for a contest, but since i enjoyed makin' it i might make it a regular thang.

Here's the list of books i made:
  • Sputnik Sweetheart
  • The Wind-up Bird Chronicles
  • Invisible Monsters
  • The Art of Racing in The Rain
  • Dawn of The Dreadfuls: Pride and Prejudice and Zombies

Flights of Fancy

Here's a submission I did for a shirt design contest for FREELANCER, it's a website for those who want to hire / work as freelance graphic artists, writers, programmers, etc. If you wanna get paid but not into the 9-5 shitty routine, this site is worth checkin out.. 

Friday, April 16, 2010



Soon, i will be posting my works that will astound the art & design community or add to the visual pollution in the internet